Dear Reader,

We’re going to do something a bit different this week thanks to the Labor Day holiday…

The markets are off to a rough start to what is traditionally the worst month for stocks, but as I told you on Thursday, there are plenty of opportunities to trade this month – provided you know where to look…

So instead of taking a broad look at the markets in a Five Points update, I want to show you one place to look – and how to find profitable opportunities.

In today’s video, we’re going zoom all the way in on a forgotten sector that’s an unlikely bellwether for the economy.

It’s something that 95% of the world’s population uses…

And yet it also tells us the health of things like consumer sentiment, how people feel about the economy, and how they’re spending their discretionary income.

Believe it or not, I’m talking about the shoe industry.

We’re going to take a deep dive into the market’s best footwear stocks in search of profits. I’ll give you my top 10 “best in shoe” stocks – along with a few different ways to trade them.

So lace up, get ready, and click below…

Good trading,


Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader