It was the worst thing that ever happened to me as a trader…

This was back in 1987. And I was a naïve rookie in my twenties.

I was watching TV. And one of the analysts was talking up a stock.

I got so excited about all the money I was going to make on this hot tip, I jumped in without doing my own research. 

Then, Black Monday hit.

On October 19, 1987, the markets dropped 26% in a single day… the worst one-day drop in history. It wiped me out – and then some.

You see, I was trading “on margin,” essentially borrowing money from my broker to trade. It can boost your returns when you win.

But when you lose, like I did on Black Monday, your broker comes calling, asking for their money back. 

It was my very first margin call. And I spent the next year trying to pay back thousands of dollars all because I was trading on greed and FOMO (the fear of missing out).

That’s when I became a rules-based trader.Instead of trading based on opinions and feelings, I’d only trade when I had a statistical edge.

And that’s when I started building software to help me find only the best trades in the market.

With the help of data analysts, programmers and actual rocket scientists from NASA and Raytheon, I built tools that would put the odds in my favor by discovering hidden patterns in the market…

Because after my margin call, I was never going to be at the mercy of a market crash like that ever again.

That’s why I’m warning you today.

With what I see happening next, your broker could be calling you shortly…

Because when the next crash comes during the Final Phase of the AI boom – you will not be able to sell fast enough.

And when the Final Phase is complete, even the market’s strongest stocks will take a beating from which they may never recover.

Hoarding shares of Nvidia and Microsoft won’t protect you.

The way I see it, the only way to avoid catastrophic loss during the Final Phase is to follow my Money Calendar…

How Money Calendar Lowers Your Risk

The Money Calendar is the perfect way to protect yourself from what’s coming when the AI boom turns into an AI bust.

Because it’s one of the most sophisticated market-timing tools in the world.

Let me show you what I mean…

As you know, the Money Calendar uses 10 years of historic data to spot specific windows – usually 35 days or less – when certain stocks tend to move up or down.

What I’m looking for is a bullish or bearish pattern that repeats over the same windows 90% of the time (nineout of the last 10 years).

Let’s start with Nvidia (NVDA)…

For nineout of the last 10 years, AI chipmaker Nvidia (NVDA) rallied between January 11 and February 16.

Take a look…


Remember, the green and red bars on the chart above show the percentage returns each year during this window.

As you can see, NVDA has a bullish pattern that has repeated nineof the past 10 years.

This year, anyone who bought NVDA shares on January 11 and held them through February 16 could have made 32%.

Over the last two decades, the average yearly return for NVDA is 32%. So, this trade delivered a year’s worth of profits in about a month.

But the gains are only one thing that makes Money Calendar special…

Trading this way dramatically lower your risk as well – by eliminating those long periods during which stocks either don’t move – or experience a correction.

According to a study conducted by JP Morgan, the majority of a stock’s gains are made in about 30 days every year.

That means, with 225 trading days, your stocks are making money roughly13% of the time you’re holding them.

Or 87% of the time you own a stock, it’s either trading sideways or costing you money by going lower.

That’s terribly inefficient.

Let me show you how Money Calendar solves this problem…

Here’s another AI chip company, Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM).

Had you bought shares all the way back in 2021 and held them, you’d have made no money.


On the other hand, had you followed the dates flagged in the Money Calendar…


You could have pocketed more than 30% in a little over a month.

Here’s another chipmaker, Intel (INTC).

Had you bought shares all the way back in 2017, you’d still be under water to this date, almost seven years later.


But with Money Calendar, it was a different story…

My system flagged an opportunity on Intel.

It turns out… for the past decade, intel went up every single year…

Between March 10th and April 19th.


That’s a 100% success rate. Patterns don’t get any more consistent than that.

So instead of watching Intel go nowhere for a decade, you could have made a quick 15% in a little more than a month.

This is why I believe the Money Calendar is the perfect way to trade the Final Phase of the AI boom.

I’m going to continue to profit on the way up as the AI frenzy reaches its peak – without having my money tied up in expensive shares that could wind up being worthless when the dust settles.

I don’t want you getting your own margin call the day the AI boom turns into a bust.

That’s why I’m urging you to join me on July 9 at 8 p.m. Eastern – to get all the details on how I’m trading the Final Phase.

Including how I’m going for exponentially more profits – with even lower risk.

Click here to claim your spot at Tuesday’s event.

Good trading,


Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader