Dear Reader,

When it comes to seasonality in stocks, there are a couple of “golden rules.”

November to April are the best six months for stocks – and in fact are the two strongest months for stock gains overall.

The worst month for stocks, statistically speaking?

September – which starts in just a few days.

And if you take a look at the Money Calendar for the coming month, things are looking quite bearish…


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So today, we’re going to take a deep dive into stocks with the Money Calendar to make sure you’re ready to go.

Because when seasonal bearishness is threatening our trading, we don’t cash out and head to the sidelines…

We look for profitable opportunities no one else can see.

I’m not only going to give you my full outlook for the market’s worst month – I’m going to show you three different snapshots of the month of September to gauge how bad it could get.

But here’s the thing – two things, actually…

First, remember that in Monday’s Five Points update, everything except oil was shading bullish. Stocks and gold are near all-time highs. Bonds are coasting on

Second, with just a few clicks of my mouse, I can turn September from bearish to bullish…


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I’ll show you exactly how in today’s video.

And I’ll reveal my top trades to kick off the month.

Good trading,


Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader