Dear Reader,

A week ago, the financial markets had a bit of a meltdown.

We’ve come back a bit since, but stocks remain shaky as they await more inflation data.

In times like this, the number one question I’m asked is whether I’m bullish or bearish.

And in times like this, the answer is usually “both.”

It’s no secret that the markets are settling into seasonal bearishness. In fact, we’ve been talking about it for months.

Ahead of July 4, I told you that the seasonal bull pattern in stocks would come to an end mid-July. And that’s exactly what happened – the market registered its most recent high back on July 16, right in the middle of the month.

In other words, last week’s meltdown was a case of the markets working normally – digesting months of new all-time highs.

And now, markets are settling into seasonal bearishness, right on schedule.

Just as Money Calendar has been telling us.

But just because markets are bearish right now doesn’t mean they’re going to be bearish in 3 months.

So in today’s video, I’m going to show you my short- and longer-term outlook for stocks, bonds commodities, and currencies.

I’ll compare the daily and weekly charts for each and show you where things could go in the short-term… and why I’m still bullish over the long haul.

Just click below to get started…

Now, you may have noticed that we’ve skipped the crypto markets this week.

Tomorrow, I’m going to take a deep dive into cryptocurrency and get you up to speed on everything you need to know.

Until then…


Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader