Dear Reader,

We’ve had a bit of an unusual week, thanks to the flooding and power outages caused by Hurricane Debby. If you’re still in the path of this storm, I hope you and your family stay safe.

Since we had to move some things around, I wanted to take a minute to recap what we covered over the past few days before answering a couple questions that I got in the mailbag.

At the beginning of the week, I took you on a deep dive into the absolute bloodbath in the markets on Monday – and the truth behind what caused it…

On Wednesday, I sent you my Five Points video, where I gave you my overall outlook on stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, and crypto…

And yesterday, I showed you why I’ve officially gone bearish in the metals and mining sector.

You can find these issues – and all archived content – right here, in case you missed anything.

Now let’s get to your questions…

Q: I’m in two of your services and noticed that you don’t really use stop orders in either one… Can you explain why and when you should use stop orders? Thanks!

A: Good question! I use stop orders more for entries, not exits. I use time-based orders for exits, such as a seasonal exit date. In fact, I’ve got a video coming out next week that explains my favorite order types – and stop limits are one of them. We’ll talk about what they are, why you should use them, and when to use them. So stay tuned…

Q: You said in a previous video that you’re still bullish on the market, even as they become more volatile. After Monday’s drop, do you still feel the same way? Or do you think we could see a market crash before the end of the year?

A: Great question! This is actually one I’m asked almost weekly…

I am still a long-term secular bull. The dollar will continue to buy less as time goes on. But there will be pockets of corrections along the way – as there has been. August is one of those months. My plan is to balance out the bulls and bears heading into September, as October seasonally leans bullish. Now, the election may delay that a little bit…

And that’s exactly what I want to talk about in today’s Patterns & Profits podcast.

There’s been SO much news over the past several weeks – both in the markets and geopolitically – it’s enough to make your head spin.

So, I want to take a step back now that the dust has settled and take a look at everything that’s happened… where things stand now… where they’re going from here… and new opportunities you could profit from.

Click on the video below – and let’s get into it…



Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader