How Money Calendar Predicted the Death of “Sell in May and Go Away”

Dear Reader,

I’ve told you about how the Money Calendar leverages 10 years of historical price data to find invisible patterns hidden in the numbers for the best stocks in the market.

When those patterns have repeated at least 90% of the time over the last decade, that’s a great setup for a potentially profitable trade.

Whether you want to buy the stock for a shot at quick double-digit gains…

Or you want to make an options trade for a fraction of the risk and 10x the reward…

The results speak for themselves. Over the years, my followers have been able to book 182 triple-digit winners trading these patterns.

But the Money Calendar gives me another edge I want to tell you about today.

Not only can the Money Calendar tell me when to buy and when to sell the world’s best stocks…

It can tip me off to tectonic shifts in the overall market – and keep me several steps ahead of everyone else.

Here’s what I mean…

The Money Calendar Isn’t JUST a Stock-Picking Tool

You can think of the Money Calendar as a massive database that collects millions of additional data points every day.

As this new data is integrated into what Money Calendar already “knows,” it starts to identify new patterns as they’re forming.

And that gives me a huge advantage over any other trader.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about…

You’re probably familiar with the saying “Sell in May and go away.”

Before the internet, this was certainly the case. Brokers and Wall Street investors would sell their positions before heading to the Hamptons or the South of France for the summer. And markets would turn bearish.

Even as recently as 7 years ago, this pattern was still in effect. Take a look at Money Calendar from May 2017:

A pretty bearish month overall. Lots of orange and even a few red days, indicating many more bearish stock patterns than bullish ones.

But times change. And so do markets.

And with Money Calendar, I can see big market shifts like this ahead of time.

So, while we saw plenty of headlines wondering about “Sell in May and go away” from major financial media outlets in 2024…

You’ll notice all these headlines use words like “probably,” “could be,” and “might.” If you Google “Sell in May and go away 2024,” you’ll see a lot of similar stuff.

These guys have no clue…

Even Forbes doesn’t know it’s over:

But with Money Calendar, it wasn’t even a question. Take a look:

Here they are side by side…

Money Calendar tipped me off to this shift a few years ago – so for me, there was no question heading into May 2024 that I was looking to go bullish…

And it paid off…

How We Made 100% on DD in 15 Days

On May 13, instead of telling me to sell everything and go to the beach, Money Calendar found 7 patterns that had repeated 100% over the last 10 years.

And the best of the bunch was on DuPont de Nemours Inc. (DD) a pattern that had a 100% streak going back 10 years.

This kind of setup is a no-brainer for us. A 100% bullish pattern in what Money Calendar predicted would be a bullish month overall for stocks.

Of course, to double our money in just over two weeks, we used options.

Here’s why I love options for this pattern…

The day I recommended this trade, DD stock opened at $78.98.

To hit 100% on our options trade, we only needed a 3.5% move in the underlying – to $81.70.

Meanwhile, the average move of the pattern over the last decade was $4.56.

So even just an average move, according to Money Calendar, would push DD’s price to $83.54 – more than enough to deliver our double.

That’s exactly what happened. In just 15 days

So much for “Sell in May and go away.”

Make no mistake, this is a huge deal. And in the next two weeks I’m going to be sharing even more details about how the Money Calendar can help improve your trading.

Good trading,

Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader