On Monday, we talked about the five benchmarks I use to decode the markets every day…

On Tuesday, I showed you the RIGHT way to build your trading plan for success…

On Wednesday, I explained why I won’t trade 98% of stocks…

And yesterday, I busted one of the most dangerous myths in trading.

You can find all of these issues (and more) right here, in case you missed any.

Now, on Fridays, I like to answer any questions that you and your fellow readers have sent me during the week. But the mailbag was a bit light today. So, instead, I want to ask YOU a question.

Think about your own goals – the ones you’d like to achieve within the next 30 days… six months… one year…

What successes have you had on this journey so far? What challenges have you faced? Whatever your progress has been, click this link to send me a message. I’d love to hear from you!

Lastly, before we kick off the first official weekend of summer, I want to make sure you have the latest episode of my Patterns & Profits Podcast.

And today, I’m going to reveal my market outlook for the next month – AND a new seasonal pattern that’s forming following the Juneteenth holiday.

This is one of the first patterns I started trading nearly 40 years ago, back when I was stocking shelves and driving a forklift at my local Home Depot.

It’s one of the most reliable patterns to ever exist – and one of the most lucrative.

Click on the video below to get started.

Have a great weekend!


Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader